Some of the Top Basic Computer Networks Questions, that must be Answered and known if you even think of attending any Networks/Network Admin Interviews.
- Virtual meetings on Internet are called………….
- LAN can be connected by devices called………..
- The bit pattern …………… is the preamble of 802.3 frame format.
- Basic SONET frame is a block of ……………. bytes.
- The amount of thermal noise is measured by ………………..
- Explain the Frequency Modulation.
- What is WAN and where it is used? how it is different from LAN and MAN.
- Explain single error detecting code with example.
- What is Flow control? Explain.
- Explain CSMA/CD Protocol.
- Describe Multitasking.
- Describe Service Primitives.
- Explain briefly PCM and its requirements.
- What is Concession Control describe i) Load shedding ii) Jitter Control. Under it.
- What is QoS?
- Token Bucket Algorithm is employed to prevent congestion. The capacity of the bucket is 250k byes Arriving rate of the token is 2MB/sec. if the maximum output rate is 25MB/sec, calculate the burst length in time.
- Describe principles considered in the design of network layer in the internet.
- Describe Address format used in Internet. [ With figure ]
- A Network on the Internet has a Subnet mask of What is the maximum No. of hosts it can handle?
- What are basic difference between IPV4 and IPV6?
- Describe Address Resolution Protocol, use diagram if required.
- What is the difference between Interior gateway protocol and Exterior gateway protocol.
- What is the function of ATM adaptation layer.
- Illustrate the phenomenon of Silly Window Syndrome in TCP.
- What is delayed duplicate problem?
- Explain Unicast addresses, Multicast adresses, and broadcast address.
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