Directions: Questions 1-6 are based on the following coding patterns: If 'EFGHIK' are coded letters representing VUTSRQP, choose the right code for the word given in capital letters from the answer choices(a-e) given under each 1. LIMIT a)KNRNC b)ORNRG c)JKOKG d)RSTSG e)MHLHS 2. SOUR a)IFLT b)HLFI c)LIFT d)IHIF e)FLTI 3. POCKET a)KLXPUC b)KLXUPG c)KLXGUP d)KLXVPG e)KLXPVG 4. GROUP a)TILFK b)TILEL c)TILGH d)TILHG e)TFGFK 5. HIGH a) STRS b)RJHR c)GLOG d)RSTR e)SRTS 6. ZERO a)BUHN b)AVIM c)AVIL d)AUTL e)AVTI 7. If OVER is coded as QYIW and UP as WS, then STAR is coded as a)UWEV b)UWDV c)UVBS d)UWEW e)UWEX 8.In a certain code DELHI is written as CDKGH and MADRAS is written as IZCWZR, then how will you code PATNA? a)OZTMZ b)OZSMB c)QBUMB d)OZTZM e)OZMSZ 9. If FIRE is coded for a secret message to be teleprinted as EHQD how is the reply DONE to be relayed? a)DMOE b)CNMD c)DLNC d)DNPE e)DMPE 10. DRIVER = 7 PEDESTRIAN = 11 ACCIDENT = ? a) 9 b) 8 c)6 d)18 e) 0 Directions(questions 11-15):Based on the following code and key scheme, code and decode the words/letters written in capital letters CODE Z A X B Y O T W C M I KEY B U E T F A I R U L D 11. BEAUTY a) ZXOCIF b)TXACIF c)ZXOCFI d)ZXOFCI e)ZXCOFI 12. FAILED a) YOTMXI b)YOTMXD c)YOTMIX d)AIRMXD e) YOTXIM 13. FLAIR a) YMOTW b)YMUTW c)YMIOW d)YMOIW e)YMWIO 14. TEARFUL a) BXUWYCM b)IXUMYCM c)BXUWICM d)BXUWMYC e)BXWUYCM 15. If 'HBPQMNOT' stands for 'SUNDAY TO', how will you write 'YOU DO SO' using the coding scheme used for 'SUNDAY TO' ? a)NTBQTHT b)NTBQTHB c)NTQBTHB d)NTQBTHT e) NTBQHTB 16. If in a certain language , CALCUTTA is coded as GEPGYXXE, which word would be coded as FSQFCE? a) BOMBYA b)BOMBAY c)BOMYAB d)BOBAYM e) BOBAMY 17.If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded? a)5279431 b)5978213 c)8251896 d)8543691 e)547362 18.In a certain code , RIPPLE is written as 613382 and LIFE is written as 8192. How is PILLER written in that code? a)318826 b_776655 c)786543 d)156724 e)675429 19. If JUNK is written as B5C7B7A11, which one among the following words can be written as B4C3B7B2? a)BIND b)BEND c)HANG d)HIND e)NONE 20. In a certain code, '37' means 'which class' and '583' means 'caste and class'. What is the code for 'caste'? a) 3 b)7 c) 8 d)either 5 or 3 e)either 5 or 8 Directions : "GOAHEAD" is coded as JRDKHDG and STOP is coded as VWRS, how will you code/decode the letters given in capitals in question 21-26 21. FIRE a) URIV b)IUJG c)LUHI d)ILUH e)NONE 22. SHOOT a)VKRRW b) UMSSX c)JJWUK d)HJSWL e)HUWOK 23.RETURN a)UHWXUQ b)HJKWER c)HUELUE d)UHWKAL e)UJKALA 24.VWDUW a) STAIN b)STEPS c)SPORT d)STAND e)START 25. HEAD a)UHGD b)KHKL c)UJDG d)HULA e)NONE 26. GRZQ a)OWNS b) DOWN c)DONE d)COME e)SHUT 27. If HJSM means GIRL, what does RNES mean? a) BOYS b)COWS c)TOYS d)SOFT e)BILL 28. If 'DBMDVUUB' stands for 'CALCUTTA' , how will you code BOMBAY? a) DQODDX b)CPNCBZ C)DPNCB d)CPMCBX e)CPNVFZ 29. PROMOTION is written in a certain coded message as 'Q S P 89' a) EFBKYOLO b) EG89 c)DE89 d)DE117 e)EF 89 30. If TEACHER and HIGHLY are written as XWPBRWM and QSNRDZ respectively, how will you code the word CHARITY? a)BPRNSBZ b) BRPMSZB c)BRPMSDX d)BRPMSXZ e)HJFHAIEE 31. 'SCHOOL = PNIKKB' and ME=ZY , how will you write 'COOLHOME'? a) NKKBIKZY b)NKKLIKZY c)PKNIKYZ d)KKKALAIDY e)HHAUELHF 32. If CLIPOSE stands for MTDFBE , how will you code POLICE? a) FTBHTM b)FBTDME c)FBTDEM D)FTBDMF e)FHAUEE 33.XYMNOPQ is decoded as NBOUIGT code OUTING a)MNQOXN b)MNOQXN c)MNQOPX d)HJHDFAUE e)MNHEUA 34. LOAD is coded as MPBE and DRIVE as ESJWF. how will you code the word 'LADDER' a)MDEEFS b)MBEEFS c)NCFFGT d)MBEESP e)OCFFGE 35.GO AT ONCE is coded message received as 'JB SM BQZY' and you are required to relay the answer in a code saying GO TO GATE. Select the code you will be using based on the scheme applied in the example here? a) HP BU PMDF b)JB MK JSMY c)IM CS QMDF d)JB MK JMSY e)JB MB JSMY 36. START=WALKA and BUDPI-XZFMQ, hw will you code 'STUPID'? a)BASMOE b)WAZNOF c)HFUHEH d)HFAUEK e)HFEUAL 37. If in a certain code , 'bir le nac' means 'green and tasty';'pic nac hor' means 'tomato is green' and 'coc bir hor' means 'food is tasty'. Which of the follwing means 'tomato is tasty' in that code? a)bir le hor b)pic hor nac c)hor bir pic d)none e)cannot be predicted Questions 38 - 40 In a certain code ,'il be pee' means 'roses are blue','sik hee' means 'red flowers' and 'pee mit hee' means 'flowers are vegetables' 38. How is 'red' written in that code? a)hee b)sik c)be d)cannot be determined e)none 39.How is 'roses' written in that code? a)il B)PEE C)BE d)cannot be determined e)none 40.How is 'vegetables are red flowers' written in this code? a) pee sik mit hee b)sik peehee be c)il sik mit hee d)none
Coding and Decoding(reasoning)
Posted by
on Monday, February 1, 2010
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